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Rate Sheet is effective 7/17/2023

Account Product Name Min. Opening Deposit Min. Balance To Obtain Annual Percentage Yield Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

NOW Accountb

$1,500.00 Amounts Greater than 0 0.25% 0.25%

Christmas Club Savingsa,b

$5.00 Amounts Greater than 0 0.10% 0.10%


$50.00 Amounts Greater than 0 0.05% 0.05%

Money Market Savingsb

$2,500.00 Amounts Greater than 0  0.05% 0.05%


$50.00 Amounts Greater than 0 0.45%  0.45%

91 Day CDa

 $2,500.00  Amounts Greater than 0 1.00%  1.004%

182 Day CDa

$2,500.00 Amounts Greater than 0  2.50% 2.52%

9 Month CDa

$5,000.00 Amounts Greater than 0  3.00%  3.03%

12 Month CDa

$5,000.00 Amounts Greater than 0  3.25% 3.29%

The FDIC Improvement Act of 1991 contained within it the "Truth in Savings" Act. The purpose of "Truth in Savings" is to enable consumers to make informed decisions about deposit accounts in depository institutions. Listed above are current interest rates for some of the accounts we offer. In our effort to remain competitive in the ever-changing marketplace, please note that rates, fees, and services may change at any time. Thank you for choosing Sabine State Bank and Trust Company.

a) A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal.
b) The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.

Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.

Interest Rates and Annual Percentage Yields are current as of July 17, 2023.

For current rate information call (318) 256-3445.